the acceptance and tolerance of other ways. 对其他方法的接受与宽容
Gradual acceptance of the notion that sequential sleep hours are not essential for high-level job performance has led to increased workplace tolerance for napping and other alternate daily schedules. 连睡几个小时并不是高水平工作表现的必要条件,在渐渐接受了这个概念后,企业也越来越能包容员工在工作场所打盹,或采取其他类似的间断工作节奏。
It's about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It's about loving someone more than words can say, and it's wishing that it never had to end. 这就是尊重对方,分享快乐,认同和忍受他人,给予和接受吧,您对别人的爱也是不能用言语来表达的,希望这些永不终止。
Love is the acceptance of others'strengths and tolerance of others'weaknesses. 爱情就是接受他人的力量,宽容他人的弱点。
Concerning this group we should treat them with acceptance and tolerance, rather than using preconceived values to judge them, or to label them. 对于这个群体,大众应首先充分了解,在此基础上多一些宽容,而不是用固有的观念来“丈量”他们,更不能为他们贴上简单的“标签”。
This article elucidates the acceptance limit and dimension tolerance designing in the course of acceptance inspection. 工件在验收过程中的验收极限和设计中尺寸公差的极限尺寸不是同一个概念。
In her next song," Gift of Acceptance," Arie urged tolerance and harmony among people of different religions, ethnicities and races. 阿里演唱的第二首歌是GiftofAcceptance(宽容的恩典),借此鼓励不同宗教、种族和族裔的人们宽容和睦。
The function and the acceptance condition of maximum material requirement ( MMR) and reversible requirement ( RR) were analyzed through dynamic tolerance figure. 通过动态公差图,分析了最大实体要求(MMR)及其可逆要求(RR)的功能及合格条件。
Acceptance of others scale: to test tolerance and acceptance; 容纳他人量表:测试容纳他人和被他人容纳。
The paper began with the relations between dimensional and geometrical tolerances in interchangeability design, the function and the acceptance condition of different relative requirement were analyzed through dynamic tolerance figure. 从零件在互换性设计过程中尺寸公差和形位公差的相互关系着手,通过动态公差图,分析了不同相关要求的功能及合格条件。
In The Color Purple, the final reconciliation and acceptance among races and black women and men picture the ideal mode of existing which is full of love, tolerance and harmony. 西丽、索菲亚等黑人妇女与黑人男性和白人的和解与相互接纳,勾画了人类理想的生存模式,这就是平等和谐、充满爱和宽容。
This kind of attitude ranges between completely positive acceptance or agreement and completely negative resistance, or we can say that tolerance and intolerance exist on a continuous scale. 这种态度以积极接受与被动抵抗为变动范围,或者我们说模糊容忍度存在一个连续变化的范围。